It's easy! For example, if someone had a 8x10 photo of someone they wanted to carry with them, they could easily convert the wall-size photo into a wallet-sized photo that would more easily fit into, for example, a wallet made from cruelty-free synthetic pleather (instructions also provided).
The technique is astoundingly simple, to the extent that one wonders why the technique is not more common knowledge. It requires no tools, rudimentary folding skills, and only one photo. For example, a photo of your mom:

Alternative instructions for creating portable photos may be found on, where readers may obtain a guide on how to use off-the-shelf components to build a pocket-sized home theater PC with a 100 terabyte RAID including an HD DVR, an always-on EVDO linkup, 802.11n WiFi with Skype connectivity, a halftrack and, of course, an Ubuntu Linux partition that can be loaded with freeware that will enable its laser-guidance and imaging system to find your mom's place, snap her photo when she's smiling, post it to Flickr, and take off with its pants around its ankles just before your Dad gets home.