Friday, December 09, 2005

Dead, Wounded, and Reassigned

Citing the need for "total victory in Iraq," a confidential White House memo disclosed today shows that claimed US troop reductions in Iraq, said to be in progress, are counting deaths and incapacitations as part of overall totals removed from duty.

The memo shows that over 2,100 troops killed and over 15,000 wounded have already been "reassigned or transferred to duties outside the engagement zone," allowing US President George W. Bush (Ret.) to claim in recent rhetoric that troop levels have already dropped. These levels are nearly on target with the reported goal of bringing 20,000 troops home by the end of December.

An internet video featuring a crudely drawn talking turkey, claiming to be an official statement from Al Quaeda in Mesopotamia, surfaced on Thursday. The animated character's voiceover expressed support for such progress, and promised to do everything in its power to accelerate the process of sending Americans home for their Christmas holiday.

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