Thursday, May 25, 2006

Lay & Skilling: Guilty, Guilty, Guilty

Former Enron corporate heads, Ken Lay and Jeffery Skilling, have been convicted of criminal charges of fraud and conspiracy. Many reports indicate that the conviction was assured after a magisterial final statement by Federal Prosecutor Sean Berkowitz, reading in part: "These men lied. The charges they face of fraud and criminal conspiracy are not fantasy, no careless products of a wild imagination. We are not dealing here with idle supposition, but matters of undeniable fact."

Defense lawyers vowed to fight on. "The prosecuting attorney's summary statements were rash, impulsive, wild, and unsupported," said Daniel Petrocelli, Skilling's attorney. Lay's lawyer, Michael Ramsay, vowed that one day, Berkowitz would have to "bow before me in shame."

In a separate case, Berkowitz was instructed by a judge that he and his wife should not attempt to leave the Houston area, although no mention was made of Berkowitz's son, Cal.

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