Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Pluto Has 3 Moons, 2 Mommies

The 9th (or at times 8th) planet revolving around the sun, Pluto, has been found to have 3 objects in orbit around it, according to astronomers. The moons, termed S/2005 P1 and S/2005 P2, were observed in May by the Hubble Space Telescope.

Also reported was the equally shocking discovery that Pluto was in fact created by the collision of two "now very feminine-looking" asteroids, dubbed L3Z9 and D8K6, a fact determined by calculation of their current trajectories. Their collision, billions of years before humans populated earth, created the planet Pluto but left slivers of the original bodies in unusual, swirling orbits which attracted scientists' attention.

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