Sunday, October 23, 2005

Sen. Ted Stevens (R-AL) promises to quit public service; hopes raised that others will follow suit

Senator Ted Stevens, Republican of Alaska and a sponsor of the infamous pork project, the "bridge to nowhere," responded Friday to arguments that the program should be sacrificed to prevent Federal deficit increases by promising to quit public service if the bridges were killed. "I don't threaten people; I promise people," said Stevens.

Some in Congress applauded the position. "He's right, it's not a threat, and promises to serve the country's best interests," said Senator Hillary Clinton, (D-NY). "I call for others to follow his lead and quit public service, beginning with President [Ret.] George W. Bush." House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) expressed divergent sentiments, saying, "It's an empty promise: Ted and others quit public service long ago, long before they ran for office."

Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) put his thoughts succinctly: "Take the bridge, Ted. Take it," he quipped.

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