Monday, September 26, 2005

Little Grover Tapped for FDA Post

After the abrupt resignation of Lester M. Crawford from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), timed to coincide with US Vice President Richard M. Cheney's knee surgery, the US Department of Health and Human Services surprised the scientific community by announcing the appointment of Grover the muppet as Director of the agency.

In a press conference, Grover said "I am so happeee!" while swaying side to side vigorously, mouth open in a friendly smile.

A White House press release said Grover's credentials as an educator, familiar to every American, made him a fine candidate for the job, and looked forward to "real progress" during his tenure. They denied that Bush 2004 campaign contributor (and drug manufacturer) The Letter E had exterted any influence on the decision, although E and Grover have historical, l-y been close, l-y linked.

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